The Hampstead Train Station
Our Projects for 2024
The Train Station has two renovation projects this year. We received a long term loan of a HO scale train Layout. Renovations to the freight area of the building will be started this Spring to install the layout.
The second project is to build an access ramp to the caboose and the decoration of the interior of the caboose.

Project 1. Model Train Layout
The Hampstead Train Station received a long term loan of an 10 foot by 11 foot train layout. This elaborate layout was built by Robert Porterfield and was on display in his basement for more than 30 years. Mr. Porterfield left the train layout to Matthew Sichel, who in turn has loaned it to the Hampstead Train Station on a long term loan.
This project is to make the required changes to the freight area of the train station so that the train layout can be on display for all the public to enjoy. The project is scheduled to start in March. Donations and volunteers are appreciated.

Project 2. Caboose Ramp
The caboose was donated to the Hampstead Train Station in 2008. It has been renovated inside and out and will serve as additional display space for the museum. To allow easy access to the caboose, we will be constructing a ramp from the ground to the deck level of the caboose. This project is expected to get undeway mid to late summer, depending on donations.